

Solis Search 2.1.168


Solis Search 2.1.168 Umbraco package Download
Solis Search 2.1.168 Manual installation for Umbraco

To get started goto installation documentation for Umbraco.

Tested on Umbraco version 6.1.2*, 6.1.6, 7.0.4, 7.1.4, 7.2.4, 7.3.1, 7.4.3, 7.7.7, 7.10.0 and 7.12.2 but all official versions starting from version 6.1.2 of Umbraco are supported.

* Umbraco 6.1.2 uses an older version of HtmlAgilityPack than Solis Search. Configure Umbraco to use the newer version by adding a dependent assembly entry in web.config:

<assemblyIdentity name="HtmlAgilityPack" culture="neutral" publicKeyToken="bd319b19eaf3b43a"/>
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/>

Even though Solis Search has a dependency to HtmlAgilityPack it is not included in the distribution since it is a dependency in Umbraco as well and should already exist in your bin-folder.


EPiServer versions are only available from NuGet. Supported versions are EPiServer 7.0 and higher.

Install the indexer for your version of Episerver, SolisSearch,EPiServerX, and also the Admin plugin SolisSearch.EPiServer.Web.

Get started with development by reading installation documentation for Episerver.

License terms


v. 2.1.168
Release 2018-10-23
Added try-catch block to allow publish of content even if Solr instance is not running or not installed

v. 2.1.166
Release 2018-09-11
Added missing dependencies to CommonServiceLocator in Umbraco package and manual installation package for Umbraco

v. 2.1.162
Release 2018-03-27
Upgraded SolrNet to version 1.0.7. This package requires .NET Framework 4.6 so that is now required as minimum target platform by Solis Search

v. 2.1.156
Release 2018-01-04
Released package for Episerver 11. When upgrading your Episerver platform to version 11, due to breaking changes in the Episerver namespace, uninstall older versions of Episerver version specific Solis Search libriares, e.g. SolisSearch.Episerver10. See package dependencies. If you're not running Episerver 11, upgrade as usual.

v. 2.1.149
Release 2016-11-10
Released package for Episerver 10 to support breaking changes from Episerver 9.
Added some try-catch to improve stability when failing to retrieve content from the CMS to the indexer.
Added support to run Solis Search as CMS indexer on Episerver Commerce websites, now Solis Search ignores catalog data to not conflict with configured search provider.

v. 2.1.143
Release 2016-10-26
Added support for separate Solr instance address to use when indexing data for use in load balanced Solr infrastructure
Fixed some bugs in Umbraco grid parser to better handle exceptions when input data is not what expected
Fixed bug using default operator and moved default field to Local parameter to use SolrNet standard procedure.

Release 2016-08-04
Fixed bug using default operator and moved default field to Local parameter to use SolrNet standard procedure.

Release 2016-06-30
Fixed som bugs in the IoC of the LogFacade causing a dependency to log4net 1.2.10 in Episerver versions where log4net is updated.

Release 2015-11-14
Bugfix indexing public access roles in Umbraco 7.3 and higher.

Release 2015-10-27
Added fix in Umbraco indexer because of bug in Umbraco regarding different timezones on publish dates depending on wheter the content node is new (Local kind) or updated (Utc kind).

Release 2015-10-23
Added support for EPiServer 9 (Known issue: new EPiServer logging not implemented)
Added new field content_ref in schema.xml which i stored on rich text documents to reference on which content node in the cms it was found

Release 2015-08-22
Refactored SearchRepository to expose methods that returns the SolisSearch standard query making it easier to create advanced queries using the SolrNet library functions.
Fixed bug on Rebuild index that indexed unpublished nodes

Release 2015-04-07
Added new property parser to Umbraco indexer for Grid property type.
Updated SolrNet.dll using branch 0.4.0.b3 (see https://github.com/mausch/SolrNet/tree/0.4.0b3) to remove dependencies to unnecessary dependency injection packages.

Release 2015-04-01
Organized assembly references to prevent error message when installing Umbraco package and also caused som Linq functions on dynamic objects to break.

Release 2015-03-27
Solis Search is now also available from Nuget.
Package for EPiServer 7 and EPiServer 8 available from Nuget
Provided schema.xml and solrconfig.xml for Apache Solr 5
Bugfix for query to spellchecker
Other minor bugfixes

Release 2015-03-06
Refactored core system to add support for other CMS than Umbraco.

Updated Apache Solr schema.xml, file needs to be replaced/updated on upgrade

Added support for boost on fields in configuration
Fixed array format for acl and languages on extracted fields from rich text documents.

Release 2015-01-08
Improved parser for custom queries
Added support to remove file from Upload property from index when node is unpublished
Added missing function to remove media from index in IndexRepository
Added field doctypes to media items in index for simpler facetting on media items with other content doctypes

Release 2014-10-23
Added support for Upload property type in RelatedLinksParser.

Release 2014-08-07
Added support to copy node name to content, if not specific property for page title is used.
Added possibility to view SolisSearch.config from dashboard control.
Fixed issue where content cannot be unpublished if there is no connection to Solr server.

Release 2014-08-05
Added doctype to index, please note new field in Solr schema file called doctypes, old schema files needs to be updated/replaced.
Added public interface to create custom property parsers, please note new attribute "parser" on relatedLinks properties in SolisSearch.config file.
Added support for using doctype field name when declaring facets in SolisSearch.config file.
Bugfix regarding multiple properties containing links to media library

Release 2014-04-10
Fixed an indexing issue when publishing pages in Umbraco 7 regarding storing the url of a newly created page

Release 2014-03-28
Added support for 3rd party Media pickers Digibiz Advanced Media Picker and uComponents Multi URL Picker for related links rich text document indexing.
Some bugfixes regarding languages and rich text document indexing

Release date 2014-03-13
Added AutoComplete based on Suggester
Minor bugfixes

Initial release
